There are several tools to use in this menu:

AI Art

Create AI-powered artwork using a range of trained AI models. Just articulate your vision, and allow $INQU AI to transform it into reality in premium resolution.

Realism AI

Create High resolution AI-powered realistic artwork using a range of trained AI models. Just articulate your vision, and allow $INQU AI to transform it into reality in premium resolution.

Mod AI Art

Tell $INQU AI to modify a pre-existing image to align with a provided text description.


Ask $INQU AI to produce an image based on a textual description, ensuring that it aligns with the structure of a specified image.

Van Gogh AI

Instruct $INQU AI to adjust a specific section of an image, employing a mask, to correspond with a provided text description.

Picasso AI

Instruct $INQU AI to substitute a portion of an image by providing two texts: one representing the target and the other indicating its replacement.

Art AI Editor

Ask $INQU AI to modify an image based on text input.

AI Upscale

Ask $INQU AI to enhance the resolution of an image by a factor of 2.

AI Remove BG

Remove the background from an image with the help $INQU AI

Last updated