🏨DAO Governance Model

Decision-Making Processes: IntelliQuant is committed to a decentralized governance model, ensuring that the community plays a pivotal role in steering the project's direction. The DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) system to be implemented by IntelliQuant facilitates collective decision-making, allowing $INQU token holders to actively contribute to the project's major decisions. Key aspects of decision-making processes will include:

  1. Proposal Submission: Any community member holding $INQU tokens can submit proposals for consideration. These proposals may include suggestions for platform enhancements, strategic partnerships, or changes to protocol parameters.

  2. Discussion Period: Upon submission, proposals enter a discussion period where the community can evaluate and provide feedback. This phase encourages open dialogue and collaboration among token holders.

  3. Voting Period: After the discussion phase, proposals move to a voting period. During this time, $INQU token holders have the opportunity to cast their votes in favor of or against each proposal.

  4. Quorum Requirements: To ensure legitimacy, proposals may be subject to a quorum requirement, mandating a minimum level of participation for the vote to be considered valid. This prevents a small minority from disproportionately influencing decisions.

  5. Execution of Approved Proposals: Proposals that receive a majority of positive votes are implemented as part of the project's roadmap. This execution process ensures that decisions align with the collective will of the community.

Voting Mechanisms: To enhance accessibility and inclusivity, IntelliQuant employs various voting mechanisms within its DAO governance model:

  1. Token Weighted Voting: The voting power of each participant is proportional to the number of $INQU tokens they hold. This ensures that more significant contributors have a commensurate influence on decision outcomes.

  2. Snapshot Voting: Periodic snapshots of token holdings are taken, allowing users to vote based on their holdings at a specific moment. This method promotes engagement without requiring continuous monitoring.

  3. Gas Fee Optimization: IntelliQuant is committed to minimizing gas fees associated with voting, ensuring that participating in governance is cost-effective for all community members.

By adopting a DAO governance model with transparent decision-making processes and accessible voting mechanisms, IntelliQuant empowers its community to actively shape the future of the project, fostering a collaborative and decentralized ecosystem.

Last updated